It’s been a busy last two weeks, with my mom in town, anniversary, my birthday, friends from out-of-town stopping in, MA Regional in Dallas last weekend and with everything else going on its been very hard to keep up with my master key assignments, but I did, except for writing my blog.  Everytime i would sit down and start, something got in the way, or is it that I let things get in the way. Was it just another excuse? If I really truly want things to change, I have to change.

I am driving back to San Antonio and thinking maybe I will just quit, I have enough of a taste, I can do it alone, I missed the webinar anyway, so it’s ok. Not so easy, as I crawl in bed I pull out Og and start reading Scroll 1 again. Then I realized that I do need this, it was to easy to say to give up, too much work, no time. Almost, but not……….

So anyway I am back on track, screwing with my mind, changing my thoughts, changing patterns. We didn’t become this way overnight, it’s developed over years, and years. So why do I think I can change it overnight, not going to happen. Guess that’s why we are doing this for 26 weeks,,,,,,,,,

