Archive for October, 2010

Almost, but not

It’s been a busy last two weeks, with my mom in town, anniversary, my birthday, friends from out-of-town stopping in, MA Regional in Dallas last weekend and with everything else going on its been very hard to keep up with my master key assignments, but I did, except for writing my blog.  Everytime i would sit down and start, something got in the way, or is it that I let things get in the way. Was it just another excuse? If I really truly want things to change, I have to change.

I am driving back to San Antonio and thinking maybe I will just quit, I have enough of a taste, I can do it alone, I missed the webinar anyway, so it’s ok. Not so easy, as I crawl in bed I pull out Og and start reading Scroll 1 again. Then I realized that I do need this, it was to easy to say to give up, too much work, no time. Almost, but not……….

So anyway I am back on track, screwing with my mind, changing my thoughts, changing patterns. We didn’t become this way overnight, it’s developed over years, and years. So why do I think I can change it overnight, not going to happen. Guess that’s why we are doing this for 26 weeks,,,,,,,,,



The habits they are a breaking, it’s tough. I catch myself still saying “no problem”. But I didn’t learn doing that overnight. I am actually looking forward to next week, this worked out perfectly as I will begin my second 50, and a new start, yes looking forward to it. Will be getting my copy of “The Speed of Trust” soon, need to find the audio version, I love audio books, my mind doesn’t wander, I feel right there.

Crisp morning here in San Antonio 49, seems like it was just yesterday walking out the door and it was 80 and humid, actually 2 weeks ago. I miss do miss fall in NE Wisconsin, one of my favorite times of the year, the smell of the leaves, the beautiful colors,,,,,,,,,,,until the snow flys 🙂

Until next time,


New Tricks for an Old Dog

Can you teach an old dog new tricks? I guess so. Guess I am proof as I turn 50 next month it feels like I have learned more in the last year than I have in the previous 20. It starts with my relationship with God that has changed my life more than I know, how you may ask? 3 weeks ago I was in an accident with my motorcycle on my way to my J.O.B. a car pulls out in front of me at an intersection, luckily I was able to brake enough that as I drop the bike It was slow enough to not do damage. Clearly her fault as I had a witness. I kept my cool, I was not upset with her, as we wait for the a cop to show up and she kept saying she didn’t see me, I was surprising myself as I keep telling her it was ok and it happens, 2 years ago I would have not been that way, I would have blown up. As I drove away, I just thanked God for what he has done in my life. Oh by the way the person in that car was a cop on her way to work.

Prior to being introduced to the World’s Laziest Networker my book reading was nil. The only book was the Bible. Then a business partner sent me a link to Mark’s Blog. Something clicked, I went back read and read all the previous ones, absorbing all I could. He would quote a book, and I was searching for it, from The Greatest Networker, to Think and Grow Rich, to The Science of Getting Rich, The Science of Being Great. Every book opened new doors.

I was trying to figure out the purpose of the 15 minutes sitting still. Last night was the first chance to do it, been doing the reading, just couldn’t sit for 15 as I would have fallen asleep. As my mind raced through different thoughts, I found it would be less and less, it was almost like cleaning off my desk and filing everything away, until the 15 minutes were up and everything was cleared, an awesome feeling. Well off to read and bed.

Until next week,
